3 Tips To Stay Secure Online

Emil Rowland
2 min readJun 16, 2021


In this short article I will tell you my top 3 tips to secure your online self.

Photo by Jason Dent on Unsplash

1. Use two factor authentication

The first thing you should do immediate is to activate two factor authentication on all your accounts. This will drastically improve your online security by having an extra authentication step than only password. There are allot of two factor authentication apps out there for example Google Authenticator, Authy and Microsoft Authenticator.

2. Use a password manager

The second thing you should start with is to use a password manager. I think allot of us are using the same password on almost all accounts. This means if one account gets compromised all your account will fall with it. By using a password manager, you only need to remember one password and the password manager will automatically fill in unique password on all your logins. Example on a password manager is LastPass.

3. Check if you accounts has been compromised

Next thing I would recommend you doing is to monitor your accounts to find if they have been compromised by an attack. A great service for this is “Have I Been Pwned”. The Service will notify you if it has identified an attack against one of your accounts. If you have seen an attack against your account, you should Immediately change your password, and If you still are using the same password on multiple accounts then you need to change it on all of them.

